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From 8 - 9 May, two of our team members represented the hearX Group at this year’s ASME ISHOW KENYA. Our hearScope solution was selected as one of eight finalists from more than 160 applications. ISHOW is a competition for hardware led social innovation that is hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) on an annual basis in three locations across the globe. This year, the finalists had the opportunity to visit Gearbox, an initiative that aims at improving the ecosystem for hardware entrepreneurship in Kenya, and were inspired by expert insights from thought leaders in the field.

From 8 - 9 May, two of our team members represented the hearX Group at this year’s ASME ISHOW KENYA . Our hearScope solution was selected as one of eight finalists from more than 160 applications. ISHOW is a competition for hardware led social innovation that is hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) on an annual basis in three locations across the globe. This year, the finalists had the opportunity to visit Gearbox, an initiative that aims at improving the ecosystem for hardware entrepreneurship in Kenya, and were inspired by expert insights from thought leaders in the field.

The competition day was both gruelling and exhilarating at the same time. It included a 5-minute pitch by each team; four judging rounds facilitated by experts in each of the focus areas (customer knowledge, hardware validation, manufacturing optimization and implementation strategy); an ‘engineering for change’ (E4C) interview, as well as inter-finalist networking sessions. The day ended with a networking reception and hardware showcase where each team gave a 1-minute pitch prior to the announcement of the winners. This year, three agriculturally focussed innovations walked away with the prizes - recognising the potential that each innovation has to create significant impact at grassroots level. Congratulations to: GrainMate, Multicrop Thresher, MaziwaPlus Pre-Chiller and Solar Freeze!

We were honoured to be part of this inspirational event and found great value in the input, questions, recommendations and advice offered by all who participated. A key take-home message was to always design and innovate with the end-user in mind - something that resonates well with our hearX mission…” Affordable access to hearing care using smart digital health solutions that anyone can use, anywhere.