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On Wednesday the 18th of June, the hearX Group team had the privilege to visit Laerskool Generaal Beyers for Nelson Mandela Day. We celebrated this very special day by screening the hearing of over 100 school children using our hearScreen technology.

Undetected vision and hearing loss in children is one of the major barriers to educational success. Timely detection is the first step to prevent the devastating effects of hearing problems in kids.

As Nelson Mandela said, “Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future.” With as many as 1 in 10 children suffering from a hearing problem and up to 60% of these being preventable, early action must be a priority.

Using our world-first hearing screening solution, hearScreen, we were able to screen the children for hearing loss with our low-cost, easy-to-use, clinically-valid product. We are happy to say that the majority of the children has healthy hearing and that those with some hearing issues now have the opportunity to get help.

Our team had such a great day and would like to thank everyone who participated and who contributes in our vision of bringing healthy hearing to everyone, everywhere!


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